Sunday, July 22, 2012

Stupidity at its Finest

This is delayed, but I had to mention it.

I haven't really run a whole lot since my races. Like make 3 or four times total. No more than five miles at a stretch.

Can you blame me? I did 26.2 miles at race pace in a span of two weeks! In two 13.1 mile chunks! Not to mention the training runs I managed in those two weeks.


So last Sunday, I got off work at 5 p.m. and it was such a beautiful evening and it stays light here in Bend until nearly 10 p.m., so I thought to myself, "I think I'd like to go for a run this evening."

Here comes the idiocy.

"Maybe I'll go eight or nine miles. Just because it's so nice out."

I'm not quite sure where my brain was.

But by the time I hit mile 4, I was cussing, crying, and trying to remember why I thought running 9 miles, after not running at all for two weeks was a good idea. I am a smart runner! I know better!

And of course, it was mile 4, and by the time I thought to turn around it was mile 4.5 and I was halfway along my loop so there was nothing to be done but finish the run.

Note to self: when stupidity strikes, do your best to ignore it, or know that you have only yourself to blame.

My knees still hate me and it's a week later.


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