Wednesday, September 25, 2013


We've been officially married for a month and a day!

I loved our wedding day. I wanna have another wedding it was that much fun.

Plus, I want to wear the dress again because it made me really really really happy.

It took Tyler exactly 16 days to break his ring.

It's a two-toned band, the yellow gold band came loose from the white gold and had to be re-soldered, and apparently its something than can happen easily if you fuss with it too much.

I'm still having an identity crisis from changing my name.

Its weird to have been one thing your whole life and suddenly go by something different. Especially as I didn't do any of this "gradual" crap. I did the changeover (for the most part) all in one day, wham, bam, thank you, ma'am! The Monday after the wedding I went to the courthouse to hand in our marriage license and get my certified copies, went to social security, DMV and the bank and changed everything over!

I love being married.

"Nothing's changed" as they say, but I feel more stable, and husband has this confidence that I've been seeing emerge the last nine months or so, kind of a sigh of relief and a straightening of his shoulders that says, "Aha! She's mine forever now! I can even hold her head under the covers when I fart and she won't leave me!"

Not that that's happened. But you can see he's thinking it.

And I love being married.


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