Sunday, March 13, 2011


So we're almost settled. Last weekend I got to play house and spent a bunch of money at Bed, Bath & Beyond — which is still very very very low on my list of places I enjoy shopping. It's incredibly easy to get overwhelmed in that place. Bottom line with that is that we now have curtains, new towels, and a shower curtain.

I must have bought other things too, I just can't think of them right now.

We hung the curtains the other night, which was nice because now it means that our bedroom stays darker longer and I'm no longer up with the dawn (or up all night because certain neighbors can't figure out that their porch light should be turned off after a certain point in the night and said lights shine directly in our lovely windows). Funny how having trees and living in the woods makes the dawn a little later.

Yesterday, I spent the day home on trays as I got hit by a ton of bricks of plague. Literally, felt fine when I went to bed and woke up at 3 a.m. with a fever, aches, and snot. It was an effort of herculean proportions that I managed to make it down the stairs yesterday. I'd taken four naps by noon and subsisted on tea and Emergen-C.

Today, I woke up feeling better, though still tire easily. My task today is to organize my office so that I can finish certain projects I'm working on and generally get my life in order.

Obviously, I managed to get my computer up and running.

Anyways, I just wanted to check in.


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