Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Big Word Wednesday: Copacetic

This week's word is actually inspired by a customer. We were talking and had gotten to a closing point when he said, "I suppose this is the point you take a look at my account to make sure everything is copacetic?"

Apparently it was big with Michaelangelo of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and is considered a slang word due to unknown origins. It is used almost exclusively in North America, and is said to have been first widely publicized in communications between the astronauts and Mission Control of the Apollo Program in the 1960s. (wikipedia)

copacetic: [koh-puh-set-ik] adjective. fine; completely satisfactory; okay.

  • McBride said his wife is copacetic with his livelihood.
  • As long as you don't go overboard with the improvements, tweaking your soon-to-be-Flickr'd pics is perfectly copacetic.
  • Vintage-inspired and contemporary footwear and bags are in abundant supply, as is a staff of experts in finding a copacetic fit. 
 As a result of that customer,  I may have been using the word all week.

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