Thursday, August 16, 2012

Big Word Wednesday: Exacerbate

Okay, so I know this is technically now Thursday morning, but we'll wing it as the post that I'm going to post when I'm done with this will explain both why I'm up so late and why I chose this particular word of the week.

exacerbate. verb. [ex-sas-er-beyt].  to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.); aggravate. to embitter the feelings of (a person); irritate, exasperate. to make (pain, disease, emotion) more intense.
  • Worse, the hurricane could well exacerbate the tensions that lurk in the city.
  • There are a couple of additional factors that can exacerbate ear pressure during a flight.
  • State or federal mandated tests exacerbate this narrowing of focus.
  • (TEASER) Standing all day for work, exacerbated my current condition leading to where I am now!


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