Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Big Word Wednesday: Clandestine

I finished reading the Hunger Games series a couple weeks ago, but boyfriend is still in the midst of them. Though I have to say these are the first books I've seen him forgo sleep for. It's an interesting shade on him.

The other night he was tired. He rolled over and said, "I want to read but I'm so tired."

"Mmhm." I replied, engrossed in my own book.

"Can you read to me?" he asked.

"Nope." I said, still reading.

"Pleeeeeease?" he said.

"Nuh uh." I liked my book.

"Please please please?"

It's a good thing he's cute. It's a good thing I like him so much.

"Fine." I grumbled. And read him a chapter of the second Hunger Games book. "Clandestine" popped up among one of the paragraphs, and he looked up at me and said, "What's clandestine?"

I love it when he does that.

clandestine: adjective. [klan-des-tin] characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment, especially for purposes of subversion or deception; private or surreptitious.
  • Their clandestine meetings went undiscovered for two years.
  • "Plutarch disappears and I wander through the crowd, looking for Peeta, as strangers congratulate me. On my engagement, on my victory at the Games, on my choice of lipstick. I respond, but really I'm thinking about Plutarch showing off his pretty, one-of-a-kind watch to me. There was something strange about it. Almost clandestine." Catching Fire, p. 83

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