Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Big Word Wednesday: Triskaidekaphobia

This week's word is one of the useless but fun to know. It was brought into my life by the wonderfulness of Friends, during one episode where Joey is auditioning for a part as a game show host for a super confusing game and Chandler and Ross help him practice for the part.

Envision: both Chandler and Ross are really into the game at this point, and Ross is hopping on one foot for the "hopping bonus" of the inane game.

"What do you suffer from if you have this phobia? do you say that?" Joey struggles with the word as Ross hops frantically. Ross waves hands in a "come on!" gesture. Chandler dashes over to Joey to help him out.

"Triskaidekaphobia." Chandler says.

"Fear of Triscuits!!" Ross blurts victoriously and stops hopping.

"No!" Joey exclaims. "A fear of the number 13."

"Fear of Triscuits??" Chandler asks Ross incredulously.

"It's possible...they have really sharp edges." Ross squeals defensively.

triskaidekaphobia. noun. [tris-kahy-dek-uh-foh-bee-uh] fear or phobia concerning the number 13.

Any useless words in your life that you enjoy?


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