Monday, September 20, 2010

The Waist Belt

Two posts in one day? Sure, I'm bored enough. Why not.

The greatest trend ever in fashion is the waist belt. Why did I not discover this years ago?

Perpetually flattering to any (like myself) who have a lovely narrow waist (or can at least pretend to have one) that is constantly cast into the sidelines by "baby-making" hips (not my quote, but appropriate, nevertheless). I love the tunic-length trend, as I'm fairly long-waisted and short-legged, so in the shorter years it was harder to find clothing that properly covered my tummy.

Luckily those years were in high school when showing my cute, flat tummy was age-appropriate. Now, not so much (nevermind that the "cute, flat" bit comes and goes as well).

As such, I can still purchase looser-fitting (read: correctly-sized garments) without losing my petite waist in the process. No longer does the rule tight-fit-or-not-at-all apply to me. Granted, when wearing tight, tight jeans or my prevailing ultra-favorite — the legging (it's like wearing sweats, but you're not!) — I tend more towards flowy and not bringing it in at the waist (I've got good legs, it works), but with skirts and more loosely-tailored bottoms, I need something to balance out the hippage.

Introducing the waist belt.

I'm becoming quite the accessory-diva. I never would have thought. I've come so far from the girl who thought one sensible pair of black heels, one pair of sensible brown heels, maybe a nice neutral flat, a pair of sandals and running shoes were all the shoes one could ever possibly need. I've sprung miles from the girl who thought her belts should stay in the belt loops and only be worn when necessary. Eons from the girl who wore the same small silver hoops everyday and thought necklaces were a nuisance.

How wrong I was.

People, I have discovered fashion. It could be considered a travesty, and certainly something many (my mother, sister and boyfriend included) will never understand, but I am no longer the girl who is satisfied with just five pairs of shoes.

My Versaces will attest, nothing is better than having choices.

Especially when they're so deliciously black and patent and leather. Mm, mm, good.

Just for the record, my Auntie Carol's cardinal rule of never throwing anything away (clothes/accessories-wise) that still fits and isn't worn out just because it's not in fashion at the moment suddenly came true for me today. And I didn't think it would happen.

A dear friend gave me this faux pas of a shirt for my birthday/Christmas. A brilliant jewel-tone teal, with dolman sleeves and a drapey collar. Awkward through the bustline and horrible in the sleeve length. I did what I could to salvage it — cutting the sleeves to near-shoulder length (from wrist!) saved it somewhat — but mostly just sighed and shoved it in my drawer, not willing to immediately goodwill it as he had worked so hard to find something he'd thought I'd like.

Here we are ten months later, and I'm in a hurry, clad in a charcoal grey tulip skirt that somehow always manages avoid the goodwill bag by being worn every three or six months and determined to wear my Versace stilettos practically pulling out my hair as — miraculously — it's sunny outside so the sweater I was originally going to wear was so not appropriate* and I couldn't find a shirt when lo-and-behold in the back of my drawer is this brilliant jewel-tone teal that I had very nearly forgotten as I have never worn it.

I pull it out and shake out the wrinkles and put it on. It needs the touch of a black waist-belt, but then it's done and it looks pretty good! Next time I'll wear a tank top underneath as it gapes rather significantly if I bend over, and the material isn't all that nice so it shows the waistband of my skirt (which is rather awkwardly placed and the skirt was cheap, so it's poorly sewn to boot), but ultimately, I'm excited as I have a new outfit!

Apparently, saving pays off.

Just promise me you won't go overboard with it and become a hoarder, m'kay? Thanks much.


* Yes, the weather does affect my clothing choices. If it's sunny, I celebrate by wearing colors. If it's not, whatever.

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