Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Three Cup Day

Okay, okay, FINE.

I know I've been a class A slacker about posting, and that I really ought to be posting more and that I really have no good excuse, it's just that nothing's really happened yet. It's snowing (beautiful) and it's a three-cups-of-coffee-and-a-nap-and-I'm-still-tired kind of day...maybe it was because I was up at 5:30 and spent the hours of 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. chasing after a bubbly 2-year-old?

Yeah, that might have done it.

She's super cute and I just started babysitting her. After my babysitting horrors in high school, you'd think I'd never want to babysit again, but I shoved them aside with the acknowledgment that I need money, and if a woman who's at most my age is willing to pay me to run after her child, I need to do it. After all, she's working two jobs, going to school, and is a single mom, I should be able to hack a couple hours right?

Actually, in this instance, I can. The little one is low-maintenance as far as the toddler set goes. At one point, she even knocked a tin lunchbox off a shelf and had it hit her square in the face. No tears, just a wavering demand for a "hiss" ("kiss") and then she was right back at it.

Most charming toddler I've ever met, barring an adorable cousin or two.

And she calls me "hiss-en," and says, "squeeze" for "excuse me." How cute is that?

Not much else has happened. I am still waiting on that job we talked about earlier. But I should know this week. And I'm still talking to the people at my dream job, even though they're not hiring. Just being a good girl and keeping the door open just in case. Doesn't hurt anything to try.

My birthday went great, and I wanted to show you some photos. Smitten Kitchen posted this recipe, which I just had to try. Chocolate souffle cupcakes with white chocolate mint cream. Yum yum.

Mine didn't turn out nearly as pretty as hers, but they tasted just as good. Delicious! I want to try Nutrition Nut's pumpkin chocolate chip bread next, I even got the pumpkin out of my freezer in order to make it, and then I spent all day yesterday doing...well, nothing. I can't even remember what I did yesterday.

Isn't that terrible?

We'll see if inspiration strikes this evening with the snow falling quietly outside.

I did pick up the world's most delicious heirloom tomatoes at Trader Joe's on Sunday morning. God bless daylight savings and early risers. One upside to getting up early that I hadn't thought of, is that with my body being used to being up at nearly 7:30 a.m. on the dot, meant I was up at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday morning! Fall back, hallelujah.

I did some early morning grocery shopping after having a fulfilling morning of sipping coffee and whatnot.

Anyways, after making a beautiful salad on Sunday night with said heirloom tomatoes (such pretty colors), pomegranate seeds, parmesan and some cucumber that I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of, I was so pleased with the tomatoes that I dedicated lunch to them yesterday.

Multi-seed sourdough bread from the Village Bakery (where I haven't been yet, but I am told is the place to go), thinthinthinthin-sliced leftover barbeque'd chicken that boyfriend made for dinner Sunday night, topped with heirloom tomatoes, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, basil, salt and pepper. Oh. My. God.

If they make food in heaven, surely it's this.

Is your mouth watering yet? I hope so.

Now I'm going to switch tracks and retrace back to my b'day.

Boyfriend, as well he should, wins the day with the Columbia rain shell/running jacket and beautiful earrings he bought me. The jacket, while quite nice and fancy, isn't particularly exciting, so I shall only subject you to the earrings:

Beautiful, simple, tasteful. And he picked them out all by himself. He was so cute giving them to me...all full of wiggles. Precious. Ahem, rugged...manly...and...erm...stuff.

A lovely gift that I received today, I'd like to acknowledge because it has me written all over it — and I know that the lovely lady who gave it to me reads this blog and it would tickle her pink to see it. And seriously me. All over it. I mean, not literally, but really...

I told it you it had me written all over it. It's a tea towel and super cute at that. 

My little sister won the card category in awesomeness.

I mean, right? Hilarious. And I have a weakness for kitties. Boyfriend got me a kitty card too. I think he just likes hearing me say, "Kitty!" It's embarrassing but inevitable when I see a kitty.

Okay, well, I think that's enough for now. Snow is beautiful and tomorrow, I promise I will regale you with news of Christmas shopping (I start early) and some new fashionista finds. (Oh, the joy.)


P.S. I am currently not running in order to let a running-induced injury heal..we're not sure what it is, as I have no medical coverage at the moment, but it's healing on it's own. One more week and I'll be back at it...newly attired with my jacket and running tights!

1 comment:

  1. I want one of those open faced sandwich things when I come and visit... Consider this my order placement now.... and you know I will be coming to visit a little more then we thought was going to happen : ) : ) : )
