Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Big Word Wednesday: Byzantine

Now, this word is for my papa. We were talking a couple weeks ago about my blog and he was saying how he liked Big Word Wednesdays. He suggested "Byzantine" as a word of the week. I laughed.

"Why Byzantine?" I asked.

"Because I was reading the other day and it popped up and I thought it was a really good word." he said.

My dad is pretty wise, and he's got a decent vocabulary -- he has to in order to keep up with my mommy. But he likes new words. I think it tickles him pink to find a new word and then use it. That must be where I get it from. It tickles me pink too.

Byzantine: [biz-uhn-teen, -tahyn, bahy-zuhn-, bih-zan-tin] adjective. of or pertaining to Byzantium. of or pertaining to the Byzantine Empire.noting or pertaining to the architecture of the Byzantine Empire  and to architecture influenced by or imitating it: characterized by masonry construction, round arches, impost blocks, low domes on pendentives, the presence of fine, spiky foliage patterns in low relief on stone capitals and moldings, and the use of frescoes, mosaics, and revetments of fine stone to cover whole interiors.
(sometimes lowercase) complex or intricate.
  • The demand landed in the middle of byzantine negotiations that dragged on through yet another day.
  • Efforts are underway to simplify the complex, byzantine system we've created to administer financial aid, and it's about time.
  • The politics of world football have always been byzantine.
  • Then you need to follow the byzantine instructions designed for trained professionals, not casual shoppers.
  • The communications industry has long loved pricing models and plans that are as byzantine as humanly possible.
I hope you enjoy this as much as my papa will.


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